Finance and Lending Tips - Page 9

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PARTNER POST: What does a life insurance broker do?

9 min read

A life insurance insurance broker is a specialist in life insurance and the management of financial risks arising from death, illness or injury.…

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Australian Suburbs
Borrowing money as a Non-Resident

5 min read

To borrow money in Australia before you hold a Permanent Residency (PR) is tricky. There are things you can do to prepare for making the purchases you’re hoping to once you’ve gained your PR.…

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Top car recommendations with a $50,000 budget

6 min read

You’re thinking of buying a new car with a budget of up to $50,000 but you’re not sure where to start.…

TipsFinanceCar Loans
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Preparing for the unexpected with the right insurance
Preparing for the unexpected with the right insurance

5 min read

A new loan and the asset it buys can be exciting. But what happens when something unexpected goes wrong with the borrower’s health? …

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PARTNER POST: Points to consider when buying a dental practice

7 min read

It is important to understand the difference between starting a dental practice and buying an existing dental practice. While starting up from scratch may come with a lower price tag, buying an existing practice will usually end up costing less in the long run. …

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Experien craig
Income Protection: What to expect from 1st October 2021

11 min read

In this chat, Craig Spiegel (Finance Specialist at Credabl) discusses with Lloyd Levin (Principal Adviser at Experien Insurance Services) the significant changes coming into effect for Income Protection policies coming from 1 October 2021.…

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big vs small fish
Is bigger better?

5 min read

When it comes to expanding your practice, there are generally two paths you can go down, both of which have advantages and disadvantages. …

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Doctor smiling
Don't get "Pandemic Tax Syndrome"

6 min read

In so many ways this has been 12 months unlike any other before but one aspect that many medical professionals (and others) are overlooking is the unusual effect on their tax planning activities, business income and activity cycles.…

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Tax accountant
Why completing your tax returns on time can pay off

4 min read

If you want to get your new home loan approved, refinance your existing home or obtain a business loan, staying up to date with your tax returns is really worthwhile.…

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Success hot air balloons
5 tips to prepare for the next financial year

7 min read

With so much attention on the end of financial year, it’s important you have all your ducks lined up so that when this financial year closes out, you’re ready for the next. Here are 5 tips to get prepared: …

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