Financial Tips for Medical Specialists - Page 7

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How regular financial health checks open up more opportunities

5 min read

Whether you refer to it as a business health check, a financial health check, or financial review, going through business finances is not everyone’s favourite activity and can be daunting for practice owners. …

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What’s your practice’s purpose? Image
Why having a purpose is crucial to your practice

5 min read

Buzzwords like cultural transformation, leaning in, or adages like ‘applying a bottom’s up approach’ and even ‘killing the sacred cow’ have the tendency to become generalised or so trendy that they do not result in any real, practical application for businesses.…

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dentist owner
PARTNER POST: Avoid becoming a boiling frog in practice ownership

8 min read

According to Simon Palmer, Managing Director of Practice Sale Search, it’s a timely reminder for businesses to assess whether they are in danger of complacency, which could hurt the bottom line. …

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new year new start
5 tips to prepare for the next financial year

7 min read

With so much attention on the end of financial year, it’s important you have all your ducks lined up so that when this financial year closes out, you’re ready for the next. Here are 5 tips to get prepared.…

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PARTNER POST: Why not having a shareholder agreement can harm your practice

8 min read

If you can lead a horse to water … you can lead a multiple owner dental practice to a shareholder agreement! We are experiencing an escalation in dental clients who are 25%, 50%, etc. owners in their dental clinics having disputes with their fellow owners. …

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PARTNER POST: Why the staff will stay when a practice goes for sale

6 min read

It is quite common for practice owners to be fearful of how the staff will react if they learn that their practice is for sale. While it is, of course, always possible that a practice could experience some staff attrition when it changes hands, it is, in fact, extremely rare. …

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PARTNER POST: Starting up your health practice? Legal Check before you sign anything!

8 min read

To begin with, a suitable premises is found, you have inspected, and the leasing agent has provided you with a heads of agreement, lease proposal, offer to lease (or whatever leasing agents wish to proffer to you) (preliminary agreement). …

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Practice Sale Search
PARTNER POST: What practice buyers often miss

6 min read

A buyer that is able to tweak their selection criteria to look at a practice, not just for what is there now but for what could be added under their ownership, will be able to find good, underappreciated practices with virtues that just need to be uncovered. …

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inMode blog 2
PARTNER POST: Revolutionary solutions for total body remodelling

6 min read

As one of the aesthetic industry’s fastest-growing medical device company, InMode innovates and manufactures minimally-invasive RF technologies that are the answer to sought-after cosmetics treatments. …

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Interite Healthcare Interiors
PARTNER POST: Acoustic management for your medical practice

6 min read

There are many sounds specific to medical and healthcare environments. These range from patient/ doctor interactions, equipment functions and visitor conversations just to name a few. …

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