Our Blog - Page 16

We’re Credabl, a team of specialist lenders providing quick and easy loans for medical professionals

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Family Health Clinic Gatton uses Credabl's Helping Hand Grant for community support
Family Health Clinic Gatton uses Credabl's Helping Hand Grant for community support

8 min read

The Gatton Family Health Clinic are very deserving winners of Credabl’s Helping Hand Grant and hope to use the money to extend their community programs even further.…

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PARTNER POST: Edentulous advancements more than just dentures

6 min read

Today’s prosthetics are more than just dentures, thanks to the incredible advancements in technology and the resulting materials, design and placement now available to edentulous patients.…

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big vs small fish
Is bigger better?

5 min read

When it comes to expanding your practice, there are generally two paths you can go down, both of which have advantages and disadvantages. …

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The very best of Auckland

5 min read

Who’s keen to explore New Zealand now that the travel bubble has opened? We called on our favourite travel blogger, Tara Harrison (@traveleditor) to share a city guide to Auckland.…

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medifit blog 2
PARTNER POST: Practice branding and marketing

14 min read

Creating an environment that strikes the perfect balance between efficiency and patient comfort while communicating your unique personality is a difficult task and one best left to an expert. This is where a specialist practice designer can help.…

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medifit blog 1
PARTNER POST: Designing your practice success

14 min read

Creating an environment that strikes the perfect balance between efficiency and patient comfort while communicating your unique personality is a difficult task and one best left to an expert. This is where a specialist practice designer can help.…

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On Demand Teresa Michelle Webinar
Patient Journey Mapping - Turning potential patients into loyal advocates

18 min read

In this chat, Teresa Nguyen discusses with Founder of Marketing Practices, Michelle Tayler, about the importance of Patient Journey Mapping and how it helps Practices wanting to attract new patients and retain existing ones.…

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Doctor smiling
Don't get "Pandemic Tax Syndrome"

6 min read

In so many ways this has been 12 months unlike any other before but one aspect that many medical professionals (and others) are overlooking is the unusual effect on their tax planning activities, business income and activity cycles.…

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Tax accountant
Why completing your tax returns on time can pay off

4 min read

If you want to get your new home loan approved, refinance your existing home or obtain a business loan, staying up to date with your tax returns is really worthwhile.…

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Tax time
FY20/21 tax time strategies

5 min read

As the end of the financial year approaches, there are a few things you can be doing to ensure you’re in the best tax position possible. We caught up with Accountants Graham Forrest and Arthur Addinall from Forrest Accountants to run through some of these.…

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Success hot air balloons
5 tips to prepare for the next financial year

7 min read

With so much attention on the end of financial year, it’s important you have all your ducks lined up so that when this financial year closes out, you’re ready for the next. Here are 5 tips to get prepared: …

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